Sunday 27 March 2011

Bed Bugs: What to Do if They're in Your Home

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If pesky bugs find their way into your home, make sure you have the knowledge and proper procedures to kick them out fast.

It's not fun, but it happens. Bed bugs, termites- no one likes to think it, but these unwelcomed guests can show up in any home. Get educated on what bugs you can get rid by yourself and when to call the professionals.

Some problems can be tackled with homemade bug remedies, but other bugs need professional attention. Bedbugs or termites? Don't try to get rid of them on your own. Watch this video to find out why and how to call in the professionals.

So is there anything you can do to prevent bed bugs? This video has a few ideas that are worth a try:

If you're not sure what bug bites look like -- or worse, think you might have them, check out the clip below to identify and treat the bites.

Still want more information to guard yourself against these bugs? Check out why bed bugs are so difficult to treat and read about the latest bedbug-fighting technologies.


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